
DevSecOps Services & Solutions

Transition easily from DevOps to DevSecOps and achieve high enterprise security success.

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Tap into the Power of DevSecOps Services

Gone are the days of viewing security as a roadblock; DevSecOps dismantles obstacles, creating a highway for uninterrupted progress. Rapidly becoming the gold standard, this collaborative approach, in harmony with cloud computing, drives results and embraces change. With a united front of development, security, and operations teams, you can safeguard digital assets with DevOps managed services easing emerging threats.

68% of companies said they are implementing DevSecOps into their software development teams.

70% of enterprise DevSecOps initiatives will have incorporated automated security vulnerability and configuration scanning by 2023.

20-50% market penetration among DevSecOps' target audience places the technology on the Hype Cycle's "Slope of Enlightenment.

Why Does Your Enterprise Needs DevSecOps Services?

Navigate and conquer complex development challenges with Netsmartz's DevSecOps services

DevSecOps streamlines integration across teams by providing a unified toolset and establishing collaborative workflows, fostering seamless communication and efficient collaboration.

DevSecOps automates compliance checks, leveraging continuous monitoring and automated auditing processes to ensure adherence to regulatory standards without interrupting the development workflow.

DevSecOps services and solutions offer comprehensive training programs that address the skillset gap, providing team members with the necessary knowledge and expertise to handle security challenges effectively.

DevSecOps incorporates security-as-code practices, integrating security measures into the code development process, allowing for early identification and resolution of security issues.

DevSecOps as a Service actively promotes security awareness through training programs, workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions, creating a security-conscious culture within the organization and encouraging proactive security practices.

DevSecOps consulting services
Leveling Up

Integrating DevSecOps in 3 Key Steps


Conducting Comprehensive Security Assessment

Perform thorough risk assessments, threat modeling, and end-to-end risk assessments to analyze the organization's security posture and sensitive assets.


Merging Security into DevOps

Integrate security practices and automation into the development workflow, ensuring minimal disruptions and continuous delivery.


Integrating DevSecOps with Security Operations

Implement continuous monitoring throughout different development stages, enabling timely responses to security concerns and ensuring compliance operations.

Why Netsmartz

Experience the Netsmartz Excellence - Secure, Stable, Streamlined

Quality-Driven Speed

Achieve a complete user experience with faster product-to-market time, ensuring superior quality through efficient bug identification and rapid response to security incidents.

Unwavering Compliance

Ensure adherence to complete compliance regulations at every development stage, supported by industry and region-compliant ISO Certifications.

Seamless Collaboration

Foster increased collaboration between development, security, and operations teams, facilitating smooth and synergistic operations.

Fortified Security

Safeguard your assets with continuous security enablement and vulnerability assessment powered by 40+ security tools and advanced technologies, proactively eliminating threats at an early stage.

Innovation-driven Solutions

Embrace comprehensive security, and DevSecOps managed services empowered by best-in-class disaster recovery and innovative threat management strategies.

Optimized Cost Structure

Benefit from a low total cost of ownership, accelerated development, reduced administrative time, and enhanced operational agility, ensuring faster releases.

From Concept To Completion

Customized Services to Suit Your Needs

Pen Testing

Our comprehensive Penetration Testing (Pen Test) services go beyond the surface, spotting vulnerabilities and potential security risks in your systems and applications. Our rigorous assessments provide valuable insights into weaknesses, allowing you to prioritize security enhancements and build a stronger defense strategy.

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IAM – Identity and access management

As your trusted DevSecOps consulting service provider, our Identity and Access Management (IAM) service empowers your security with seamless access control and authentication. By implementing multi-factor authentication and single sign-on, we bolster your security measures further.

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Our Complete Suite of DevOps Services

Join us in sculpting business brilliance – where efficiency, resilience, and adaptability intertwine. We deliver exceptional results through a comprehensive range of DevOps services thoughtfully designed for maximum efficiency.

Strengthen Development Security with DevSecOps!

Boost success with Netsmartz's comprehensive DevSecOps solutions - fortify your defenses and propel growth.


Success Stories

Learn how organizations are redefining business norms with our cutting-edge
Cloud and IT infrastructure services


Manufacturing Industry / USA

Creating a Multi-Region Platform to Sell Engineered Access Solutions

Pet Industry / Norway

Migrating On-Premise Infrastructure For A Company In Pet Industry

Gaming Industry / US (Global)

Transforming Software Development for a Multiplayer Gaming Company



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in IT and Cloud infrastructure


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